Soroptimist International
of Thunder Bay

Operating for more than seventy five years, the Thunder Bay chapter of Soroptimist International is made up of a dynamic group of women living in Thunder Bay who are passionate about supporting the success of women and girls in our community and beyond. Each year we award scholarships and bursaries to deserving recipients so they may continue their education. Being a part of the Thunder Bay Soroptimist club provides a unique opportunity to do meaningful, life-changing work in an atmosphere of fun and friendship.
Soroptimist International of Thunder Bay is one of 13 clubs making up the Eastern Canada Region of the Soroptimist Foundation of Canada, member to Soroptimist International of the Americas which is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Soroptimist International of the Americas is one of five global federations that form Soroptimist International. Being a Soroptimist provides the opportunity to meet and collaborate with other members across the world. Click here to view an interactive map of the countries where we operate.

Soroptimist International has special consultative status at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at the United Nations, which gives it a voice on important discussion papers. It also allows them to attend the Commission of the Status of Women in New York each year where the Soroptimist International President leads a delegation.