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April, 2018

"Dream It, Be It" Mentorship Program

Soroptimist International of Thunder Bay has implemented its mentorship program, "Dream It, Be It" for its third year.   The 7/8 female students at St. James Public School participated in the four sessions delivered by Soroptimist members, Kathleen Rismondo and Faith Crichton.  

The focus of the program was to empower the girls to enhance their knowledge of career opportunities by identifying their strengths and interests.  The program also aims to instil confidence, enabling the girls to persevere and overcome obstacles to achieve their future career goals.

The "Dream It, Be It" program was well received by the students, and Soroptimist International Thunder Bay is grateful to the principal, Mrs. E. Oades, along with her staff for welcoming us to St. James Public School, and providing this opportunity to their students.


The sessions were highlighted with a presentation by a guest speaker from the community.  Pictured with the students are Sergeant Maybroda and Corporal Duguid from the Armed Forces.   Other guest speakers included  Dee Kruger, Artist, and Marika Listenmaa, Paramedic.

DIBI Launch Group Photo

Dream It, Be It:  Soroptimist International Thunder Bay


Well, the “inaugural” program is now complete!    Our host school was McKellar Park School 7/8 class.  There were 17 girls in the class with 13 participating regularly.  Both the school and girls were receptive to the program and we were impressed with the respectful, kind environment of the school community.


We commenced each session with Ice Breaker and Energizer activities to engage the students.  We found those hands-on activities and ones that required movement motivated the girls and kept their interest.  We had a focus each week and explored the areas of Strengths as related to aspirations, Career Paths and Team work/skills.  At the end of each session, the girls were asked to write an “exit” card, indicating their thoughts for the day or any learning obtained from the session.


Thank you to Melanie, Enid, Lauren, Leeann and Shirley for the lovely snacks.  They were a hit!  The food was a critical part of each session and surely inspired their learning.  We appreciated Shirley’s help on the last day too.  It helped the final session run smoothly.


There were three speakers at the final session, each approximately ½ hour in length.  Our gratitude to Jolene Banning, Barb Elinesky and Amanda Zappitelli for their inspiring messages, the focus being to persevere when following one’s career path.    Dream It, Be It, never give up!  Barriers or obstacles can be overcome.  Our final video of Malala at the United Nations reinforced this thought.


At the end of the session, on behalf of Sortoptimist International Thunder Bay we presented the book “My Name is Malala” to Mr. Frederickson, principal of McKellar Park School, for the school library.  This donation was in recognition of the school’s participation in the Dream It, Be It program.    One book was also given to a student as a prize. There were also two t-shirts for draws and 2 mugs for gifts.


If we have touched one student with our presentations, we have succeeded.   On the other hand, our partnership with the McKellar Park School community has also resulted in a positive outcome.  It is a win-win situation!


Respectfully submitted,


Kathleen & Faith


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